Clean up your Address Book
Get and stay organized

Clean address book on all your devices
Want to have a clean Address Book on Mac, PC, smartphone, App or service? Start with cleaning connected email accounts. Almost all the applications that are used as Address Books are using connected accounts as sources. Almost certainly they use more than one account, and this will cause duplicates. That is why you need Mergix.
Update all your accounts with the same data, have your duplicate contacts equalized across different accounts and remove contacts without any useful data - junk contacts. Your app will be able to recognize contacts with the same data as one, there will be no lost phone numbers or names without any other data. If that’s not enough, Mergix allows you to manually review similar contacts that might belong to the same person, and merge them automatically. Your clean Address Book is just three steps away. Sign up and see for yourself.

Your phone contacts are so messy it hurts? Try Mergix.
Things that will not happen to Mergix users again:
- They won‘t get five similar-looking contacts after entering a name to their contacts search;
- They won‘t have to try three different contacts with the same name to find the needed phone number;
- They won‘t find a phone number without a name.
Mergix is a tool that can and will help you. Clean your contacts and use your contact list faster and more efficiently. Forget the frustration of digging the pile of John‘s duplicate contacts: do you know which one has his work number? Do you know which one is the latest number? Mergix will help you organize your contacts in a way that you will be able to know what is what.
The device you are using, whether it is a smartphone or a tablet, does the hardest part when it comes to your contacts list: usually there are more than one email account connected to the device, which means there are several sources that provide your device with contacts. Google, iCloud, Exchange account contacts are all visible in your Address book and that is what creates the chaos if you do not treat it right.
Mergix is offering a whole new approach to the problem: if you want to have a clean device Address Book, you have to treat your sources properly. It will do four most important things: back up your data, clean out the duplicates on each source and between them, merge similar and remove junk.
Duplicates within the account will be deleted. In case they have different parameters entered (like mobile and work phone numbers, they will be merged). Duplicate contacts across accounts will be updated with corresponding fields so that there will be identical information across all your accounts. Data of similar contacts will be merged as well – review them manually to avoid any mistakes. Contacts that are categorized as Junk can be removed at once. Once you clean out the contacts in accounts, no matter which device, service or app you use – the hardest part is done. As all the contacts in sources are updated with the same information, the device should recognize the corresponding contacts and display them as one and simplify joining or linking. Problem solved.

Organize your Contacts list
The efficiency and order of your connected service accounts, such as Google, iCloud or Exchange is the most important question, and at the same time an answer to your problems regarding contacts. Keep them clean and organized and avoid problems with the devices they‘re connected to and applications that are using them.
Duplicates in your account contacts will follow you everywhere you go. Mergix can help you clean them out. Scan your account and:
- Delete duplicate contacts – remove identical contacts, one item per contact is more than enough.
- Merge similar contacts – manually review the list of automatically matched and suggested similar contacts and decide, which contacts should be merged. As a result, you will have one contact item featuring all data that similar contacts considered as duplicates had before the merge.
- Delete unwanted, duplicated and incorrect contact‘s fields.
- Select contact photo from existing contacts.
- Remove Junk – contacts with no valuable data, like a single phone number or a name, will be recognized as Junk, you can delete them all at once.